Document Required

Dokumen Permohonan Pinjaman Rumah

Sebelum anda membuat permohonan pinjaman rumah dengan bank, mari kita tengok dokumen yang perlu anda sediakan. Setiap orang mempunyai cita-cita untuk memiliki rumah sendiri. Jika anda masih menyewa, ini mungkin hanya untuk sementara sahaja. Tetapi, ada sesetengah orang yang telah mempunyai beberapa rumah. Jika anda berada di golongan ini, maka anda adalah golongan yang [...]

What Documents Are Required For Home Loan?

  Interested to apply for home loan and do not know what to prepare? Now, you can refer to the listing below. We hope you don’t mind to prepare more documents. Because, different banks will need different documents sometimes, to avoid bankers keep calling you for extra documents, we hope you can prepare as much [...]

By |2016-11-01T10:40:13+08:00September 5th, 2013|1st Time Home Buyer, Document Required, Housing Loan, Latest Article/News, Purchase From Agent/Owner|Comments Off on What Documents Are Required For Home Loan?

Document Required For Malaysian Under Refinancing

For Under Employment: (Meaning working with company or receive a fixed monthly income) 1. NRIC copy 2. Sales and Purchase Agreement / Title copy 3. Latest 3 months pay slips (For Basic Salary) / Latest 6 months pay slips (For Basic + Commission Earner) 4. Latest 3 months personal bank statement (For Basic Salary) / [...]

By |2020-08-23T12:16:59+08:00March 7th, 2012|Document Required|Comments Off on Document Required For Malaysian Under Refinancing

Document Required For Malaysian Under Developer New Purchase or Buying From Owner/Agent

Under Employment 1. NRIC copy 2. Property Booking Receipt 3. Vendor Sales and Purchase Agreement / Title copy / New Sales and Purchase Agreement 4. Latest 3 months pay slips (For Basic Salary) / Latest 6 months pay slips (For Basic + Commission Earner) 5. Latest 3 months personal bank statement (For Basic Salary) / [...]

By |2016-11-01T10:40:23+08:00June 21st, 2010|Document Required|3 Comments

Document Required For Malaysian Working Abroad

Employment 1. NRIC copy or Passport 2. Working Permit (if any) 3. Property Booking Receipt 4. Sales and Purchase Agreement / Title copy 5. Latest 6 months Housing Loan Statement.( Only applicable for refinancing) 6. Letter Offer from previous bank .( Only applicable for refinancing) 7. Deposit Statement e.g. Fixed Deposit, ASB or Bonds 8. [...]

By |2016-11-01T10:40:23+08:00June 21st, 2010|Document Required|0 Comments

Document Required For Foreigner

Employment 1. NRIC copy or Passport 2. Working Permit (if any) 3. Property Booking Receipt 4. Sales and Purchase Agreement / Title copy 5. Latest 6 months Housing Loan Statement.( Only applicable for refinancing) 6. Letter Offer from previous bank.( Only applicable for refinancing) 7. Deposit Statement e.g. Fixed Deposit, ASB or Bonds 8. Latest [...]

By |2016-11-01T10:40:23+08:00June 21st, 2010|Document Required|3 Comments
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