Everyone love a clean and beautiful house. That’s why you can see developers will spend money on their showroom or gallery to impress a new buyer. Even IKEA is adopting the concept of a clean and beautiful house, which make you want to buy their sofa, TV cabinet, beds, wardrobe and lots more. People have imagination. When they enter your home, they imagine things. They imagine if they’re going to stay here, how will make them feels. Does it make them feel good? The feel good moment is everything.

5-6 years ago, I was looking for a place to rent, and I called up this real estate agent. I told him my budget, and he brought me around to see a few properties. After a few moderate properties, he brought me to see this one particular property.

It was an apartment. The entrance to the apartment is dark; we barely can see anything. The lift looked very run down. And we started to feel weird. When we entered the apartment, it was vacant, run down and dirty. To be honest, I was speechless, and it totally ruined my mood to rent a house that day. The house makes me feel horrible; I don’t want to rent that house or have anything associate with it. Moral of the story, house condition will affect the new buyer or even the bank’s valuer that going to inspect your house.

To attract people to buy your house is crucial to have these three ways I mention in the article. Because people want to purchase a home that makes them feel comfortable and good. So, let’s look into this aspect and hopefully it will help you to increase your house value.

1. Renovating The Property

Newly renovated house will have a higher value compared to a standard unit house. And I guess, everyone knows this. But, not a lot of people willing to do it. Why? I guess, its cost more money.

Starting with a couple of hundred ringgit on a few things could increase the value of your house by a few thousand ringgit. People are surprised by that. It’s exciting. People think they have to put in a lot of money to see a big difference and they really don’t.

Do a mini-remodel. Change the paint. It sounds simple, but it works. You can also paint a faux-wood finish onto your cabinets. This looks just like cherry.

Ask any real estate expert what is the No. 1 upgrade with the greatest return is, and the answer will be the kitchen.

Add a splash of color with a new backsplash. New tile is attractive. Home improvement stores teach classes on this.

Make your kitchen rock with a rolling island. Hang a pot rack with fresh new pots, pans, and a hanging wine bottle holder. With the rolling island, your kitchen will catch every buyer’s eye. You can take some of these things with you to your new home.

Of all the rooms in your house, the bathroom is the workhorse. There is lots of wear and tear, so you want to keep it functioning well and make good looking upgrades along the way.

2. Keep up With Regular Maintenance and Repairs
Clean your house now for profits later. If your house is on the market, a bright and sparkly home can attract buyers like a magnet.

Before thinking about a fancy upgrade to the kitchen, address the basics. Insulate the attic, repair plumbing leaks, replace rusty rain gutters, inspect the furnace and the septic system, replace or repair leaky windows, install storm doors, weed the flower beds.

The old adage that you only get one shot at a first impression is true. So, make the interior of you home shine from the moment someone walks through the door. For less than RM100, hire a cleaning service for a thorough top-to-bottom scrubbing. Even if you clean your home regularly, there are nooks and crannies that you may miss or overlook. Let a cleaning service do the dirty work to really make your home sparkle.

If you’re getting ready to put a house on the market, don’t allow walls with chipped paint to go unmaintained. If you need to do more than a touch-up, choose neutral colors.

3. Front door and Landscaping
Don’t underestimate the power of a front door. People make up their minds in the first seven seconds of entering a house. People will feel depressing if the house is worn out.

Overgrown or patchy lawns and outsized bushes will cause your home to stand out — in a bad way. The good news is that taming your jungle is an easy fix. For a few hundred ringgit, hire a lawn service company to trim your lawn and shape your hedges. Your curb appeal will go from messy to maintained without blowing your budget.

Increasing the value of your home is easier than you think. Follow these tips, and your home will be worth more before you know it.

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